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The session variable is lost, in Django

In a system that should be multi-company, I use context_processors.py to load company options, by selecting from the sidebar. The user can change companies at any time.

When the user selects a company, the option is recorded in a session variable.

It happens that when the user changes pages, the information of the session variable is lost.

What am I doing wrong or failing to do? Is there a better way to do this?

Relevant code snippets follow:


from apps.client.models import Client

def units (request):
    # Dictionary with business options
    clients = Client.objects.values ​​(
    clients_list = []
    for client in clients:
        clients_list.append (
                'client_id': client ['client_id'],
                'name': client ['company_id__name']
    return {'clients_list': clients_list}


# System base page.
# Displays the list of business options.
<select class = "form-control select2">
<option value = "{{request.session.unit_id}}"> {{request.session.unit_id}} </option>
{% for client in clients_list%}
<option value = "{{client.client_id}}"
{% if request.session.unit_id == client.client_id%}
{% endif%}>
{% endfor%}

# Whenever a company is selected ...
$ ("# select_unit"). click (function () {
    var option_id = $ (this) .val ();
    var url = "{% url 'home: set_unit'%}";
    $ .ajax ({
        type: "GET",
        url: url,
        data: {'unit_id': option_id},
        success: function () {}


# View that registers the variable in the session.
def set_unit (request):
    unit_id = request.GET.get ("unit_id")
    request.session ['unit_id'] = unit_id



        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
        'DIRS': [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')],
        'APP_DIRS': True,
        'OPTIONS': {
            'context_processors': [

Your view that's setting a session variable needs to return a response. Since you're calling it with Ajax, a JsonResponse with simple {'status': 'ok'} dictionary is fine. Add this line at the end of set_unit :

return JsonResponse({'status': 'ok'})

If you look at your browser dev tools network tab or in your console you'll see that currently your request is generating an error since a view should not return None . That's the reason the session isn't saved and the new state of the session variable not persisted.

I think the problem is that u didn't set that the session was modified, after change the session value.

request.session.modified = True

Another option is add in your settings.py:


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