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WPF Checkbox.Checked event is firing before datagrid is loaded

I have a datagrid with 3 columns on my window. Columns are IsChecked, Id, Name.

<DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False" CanUserAddRows="False" SelectionMode="Single" CanUserDeleteRows="False" x:Name="dg" x:FieldModifier="public">
        <Style TargetType="DataGridCell">
            <Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="0"/>
            <Setter Property="FocusVisualStyle" Value="{x:Null}"/>
            <Setter Property="Height" Value="22"/>
        <DataGridTemplateColumn Header="" IsReadOnly="True" CanUserSort="False">
                    <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding IsChecked}"/>
                <Style TargetType="DataGridCell">
                    <EventSetter Event="CheckBox.Checked" Handler="CheckBox_Checked"/>
                    <EventSetter Event="CheckBox.Unchecked" Handler="CheckBox_Unchecked"/>
        <DataGridTextColumn MinWidth="60" Header="ID" Binding="{Binding Id}" IsReadOnly="True" CanUserSort="False"></DataGridTextColumn>
        <DataGridTextColumn MinWidth="80" Header="Name" Binding="{Binding Name}" IsReadOnly="True" CanUserSort="False"></DataGridTextColumn>

There are 2 events that I am setting to this checkbox. But when I open the window, these events are firing before my window is fully loaded and datagrid is shown.

How can I prevent this? Or is there another way to set these events?

Don't use the EventSetter in the xaml. Create event handlers like this:

    private void CheckBox_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        Handle(sender as CheckBox);

    private void CheckBox_Unchecked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        Handle(sender as CheckBox);

    void Handle(CheckBox checkBox)
       bool checked = checkBox.IsChecked.Value;

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