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When Gulp/Babel compiles it doesn't use properly destructuring assignment

When i compile my JS using Gulp/Babel it doesn't use destructuring assignment.

My Gulp config

gulp.task('js', function () {
    return gulp.src(myFiles)
            presets: ['@babel/env'],
            plugins: ["@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties"],

My code

const links = {
        fb: `../../dist/img/facebook.png`,
        li: `../../dist/img/linkedin.png`,
        tw: `../../dist/img/twitter.png`,

    ({ fb, li, tw } = links);

The output

var links = {
    fb: "../../dist/img/facebook.png",
    li: "../../dist/img/linkedin.png",
    tw: "../../dist/img/twitter.png"
  }((_links = links, fb = _links.fb, li = _links.li, tw = _links.tw, _links));

Returns this error

app.min.js?ver=5.2.2:14 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'fb' of undefined

Did I forget something at my gulp config?

TL;DR: Add a semi-colon after you declare links , and declare the variables you are destructuring to.

You are taking advantage of Automatic semicolon insertion , and if you run your code through an AST Explorer , you'll see your line of links = { ... }() is getting parsed as a CallExpression , which is invalid in this case, hence the error you are receiving.

An example of a valid CallExpression might be:

var a = function(v) { return v }(1); // a === 1

 * Parsed as:
 * VariableDeclaration  VariableDeclarator  CallExpression
 * |                    |                   |
 * v                    v                   v
 * var                  a =                 function(v) { return v }(1)

If you add a semicolon, you will see that the { ... } gets parsed correctly as an ObjectExpression .

However, this code will still throw a ReferenceError due to the variables not being defined and the code being run in strict mode .

Its the same reason why this code throws an error:

"use strict";

var obj = { hello: "world" };
hello = obj.hello; // throws a ReferenceError

So you need to define the variables, I'm guessing with another const declaration.

const links = {
    fb: `../../dist/img/facebook.png`,
    li: `../../dist/img/linkedin.png`,
    tw: `../../dist/img/twitter.png`,

const { fb, li, tw } = links;

Your code is not valid. Perhaps you want something like this:

const links = {
  fb: `../../dist/img/facebook.png`,
  li: `../../dist/img/linkedin.png`,
  tw: `../../dist/img/twitter.png`,

const { fb, li, tw } = links

I hope this helps.

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