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Import JSON config file into styles.css

I have an Angular solution, and I would like to import a config.json file into the "styles.css" file. I don't even know if that is possible, because I did not find anything like this by searching for similar issues.

Here's what the config.json file looks like:

    "style" : {
        "primaryColor": "#008080",
        "secondaryColor" : "#D32F2F"

Here's what the styles.css looks like:

import * as config from 'config.json'; 

html {
        font-family: 'Trebuchet MS';
        background-color: '$config.style.primaryColor';

As you can guess, this does not even compile. But I hope you guys get the idea of what I'm trying to do. Do you have any idea how to achieve that?

Unfortunately you can't do so.

You could use config in your component code and assign css from there. Like:

<div [style.width.px]="yourValueFromConfig">

where yourValueFromConfig - variable in component assigned from config.

潜在的解决方案:您可以将 Angular 应用程序转换为支持 SASS,完成后您可以使用node-sass-json-importer完成您想要的操作

如果您使用的是 Angular,则可以使用scssnode-sass-json-importer 来完成,就像这里描述的那样。

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