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useState no rerendering

Can someone help me figure out how come when I change my state using ReactHooks its not rerendering my component

   const [newsCatalog, setNewsCatalog] = useState([]);
    useEffect(() => {

    const fetchNews = async () => {
      const GetAllNewArticleResults = await GetAllNewArticle();
      let promises = [];
            let tempNewsCatalog = newsCatalog;
            GetAllNewArticleResults.map(async e => {
                await htmlToJson.parse(
                    title: function($doc) {
                      return textTruncate($doc.find("H2").text(), 50);
                    link: function($doc) {
                      return $doc.find("A").attr("href");
                    content: function($doc) {
                      return textTruncate($doc.find("P").text(), 80);
                    imageURL: function($doc) {
                      return $doc.find("img").attr("src");
                  function(err, result) {
              return null;

    Promise.all(promises).then(() => {
      setNewsCatalog(newsCatalog, ...tempNewsCatalog);    

          return (
            <div className="container mb-4" id="News">
              <div className="h4 mb-3">OUR NEWS</div>
              <div className="d-flex justify-content-between flex-wrap mw-90">

When I tried running it, the just displays "0" in the "newsCatalog.length". But when I tried to inspect it, it already has items on it.

// helper method
function htmlToJson(htmlNewsCode) {
 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
       title: function($doc) { return textTruncate($doc.find("H2").text(), 50); },
       // implement your other methods
     (err, result) => { 
       if (err) { 


// your component
const [newsCatalog, setNewsCatalog] = React.useState([]);

React.useEffect(() => {

 async function fetchNews() {
  // TODO: Implement error handling using try/catch
  const GetAllNewArticleResults = await GetAllNewArticle();
  const promises = GetAllNewArticleResults.map((e) => {
   return htmlToJson(e. HTMLNewsCode);

  const results = await Promise.all(promises);
  setNewsCatalog(prev => [...prev, ...results]);


}, /* You probably need to specify the DEPS */)

Probably your Promise.all call failed, and issue is with this code


It is pushing to newsCatalog . Because it is object and connect by pointer with tempNewsCatalog . So you have values, but no rerender.

try instead to create epmty array, and push it there

Thanks for AngelSalazar I tried changing my code

const [newsCatalog, setNewsCatalog] = useState([]);

React.useEffect(() => {
  async function fetchNews() {
          // TODO: Implement error handling using try/catch
    const GetAllNewArticleResults = await GetAllNewArticle();
    let promises = [];

    GetAllNewArticleResults.map(e => {
                  title: function($doc) {
                    return textTruncate($doc.find("H2").text(), 50);
                  link: function($doc) {
                    return $doc.find("A").attr("href");
                  content: function($doc) {
                    return textTruncate($doc.find("P").text(), 80);
                  imageURL: function($doc) {
                    return $doc.find("img").attr("src");
                function(err, result) {
                  return result;

          const results = await Promise.all(promises);
          setNewsCatalog(prev => [...prev, ...results]);

 }, []);

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