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How to call a getter of js file whose name is formed during runtime i.e call a getter of js file with string

I have a javascript class with few getter whose name are almost same with some difference I want to call a getter with its name formed during the runtime as it will reduce lot of lines of codes in our automation scripts

class automationClass extends Page {
define elements
get abcObject() {
        return browser.isAndroid ? $("//[@text='clickElement1: ']") : $("//[@text='clickElement1']")

get defObject() {
        return browser.isAndroid ? $("//[@text='clickElement2']"): $("//[@text='clickElement2']")

get xyzObject() {
         return browser.isAndroid ? $("//[@text='clickElement3']") : $("//[@text='clickElement3']")

function to click an object, objParameter parameter coming from another file according to user input
clickObject(objParameter) {
         Var lObj=objParameter+”Object”
this.lObj.click() ////this is not working,,,,,any alternative????


i have used eval function and was working fine to call a function but eval is not working for class and getter _

You can use the []-syntax to get variable properties of an object.

And there were a lot of syntax errors in there:

  • missed a closing comment tag
  • Var has to be var
  • strings are surrounded by `'" not
class automationClass extends Page {
  define elements
  get abcObject() {
    return browser.isAndroid ? $("//[@text='clickElement1: ']") : $("//[@text='clickElement1']")

  get defObject() {
    return browser.isAndroid ? $("//[@text='clickElement2']") : $("//[@text='clickElement2']")

  get xyzObject() {
    return browser.isAndroid ? $("//[@text='clickElement3']") : $("//[@text='clickElement3']")

  function to click an object, objParameter parameter coming from another file according to user input
  clickObject(objParameter) {
    var lObj = objParameter + "Object"
    this[lObj].click() ////this is not working,,,,,any alternative????

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