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How to set default selected value in select with vue.js?

So, I need to generate x amount of "selects" based on a result from a query to an external endpoint.

Below is an example of the json that is the data I use to generate my selects. This example contains only one "question" in an array of "questions". (Also, the array construct inside the "answers" is a little bit exaggerated but that's what I have to work with)

"questions": [{
    "question": [
       "answers": [
          "answer": [
              "answer": "Answer 1",
              "id": 216,
              "questionID": 83,
              "selected": false,
              "sortOrder": 1
              "answer": "Answer 2",
              "id": 217,
              "questionID": 83,
              "selected": true,
              "sortOrder": 2
            ... plus x number of "answers" here..           
       "question": "Question 1",

So, I generate the selects like so (I have stripped the example from irrelevant styling):

<v-layout row wrap v-for="question in questionnaire.questions[0].question" 


Now, back to my question. As you can see in the json the second "answer" has a property "selected" with the value of "true". This means that I have to set this particular item as selected "by default". How do I achieve this in a good vue manner?

If you only want to set it as a default value, vou can use the :value -Property and just pass the first Object from the answer-array that has selected set to true.

:value="question.answers[0].answer.find(answer -> answer.selected)"

Note that when using that the value is not bound to what is selected, so if you select a different item the data in the parent component will not update! If you want it automatically updated, you should consider using v-model along with computed-properties.

Edit: Ok so I've looked into your question a bit deeper and I think I came up with a pretty good solution.

First of all, I don't really understand the properties you set in the v-select component, since none of them are defined in the VueSelect Api . In this answer I use the properties defined there. Also, I'm not quite sure how to interpret your data structure, so I'll just give an example with a array of questions which contains an id, a question text and an array of answers.

In order to use v-model with a computed property you have to to implement a getter which will be called to set the v-select-component data and a setter for updating the data when a different item is selected in the select-component. Since in your case you would have to have one computed property for each element in the questions-array, you should wrap the display of a question-object into its own component and display multiple of those in a loop.

 Vue.component('v-select', VueSelect.VueSelect); Vue.component("question", { "template": "#questionTemplate", "props": { "question": Object }, "computed": { "selectedId": { "get": function() { return this.question.answers.find(answer => answer.selected).id; }, "set": function(id) { //set selected flag on newly selected element this.question.answers.find(answer => answer.id === id).selected = true; //reset previous choice this.question.answers.find(answer => answer.selected && answer.id !== id).selected = false; } } } }); new Vue({ "el": "#app", "data": function() { return { "questions": [ { "id": 83, "question": "QuestionText", "answers": [ { "answer": "Answer 1", "id": 216, "questionID": 83, "selected": false, "sortOrder": 1 }, { "answer": "Answer 2", "id": 217, "questionID": 83, "selected": true, "sortOrder": 2 } ] } ] } } }) 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script> <script src="https://unpkg.com/vue-select@latest"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/vue-select@latest/dist/vue-select.css"> <div id="app"> <question v-for="question in questions" :question="question" :key="question.id"></question> </div> <script type="text/x-template" id="questionTemplate"> <div> <p>{{question.question}}</p> <v-select v-model="selectedId" :options="question.answers" label="answer" :reduce="answer => answer.id"></v-select> <p>Selected AnswerId: {{selectedId}}</p> </div> </script> 

If you want to be able to select multiple values, the VueSelect-component will return an array of IDs instead of one single ID, sou you woukd have to adjust the computed getter and setter accordingly.

Hope I could help, let me know if you need any further help!

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