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Access components props which is returned from HOC - Jest with React

I am trying to write test cases for my hoc , which i call in another hoc . The code looks like:


import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';

export default function getData(Receiver) {

    function fetchData(props) {
        const [dataInState, setData] = useState([]);

        useEffect(() => {
        }, []); 

        const loadData = () => {
            const { ids = [], data: existingData = [] } = props;    // existing data from redux store
            if(ids.length) {
                if(existingData.length) {
                else {
                    // fetching data from actions
            } else {
                console.log("in else")

        return (<Receiver data={dataInState} {...props} />);

    const mapStateToProps = ({ router, dataFromStore }) => {
        const { data = [] } = dataFromStore;
        return {

    const mapDispatchToProps = {

    return connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(fetchData);

and in my test file :

import React from 'react';
import { shallow, configure } from 'enzyme';
import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16';
import configureStore from 'redux-mock-store';

import getData from './getData';

let store;

describe('test for hoc', () => {
    beforeEach(() => {
        const mockStore = configureStore();

        // creates the store with any initial state or middleware needed
        store = mockStore({

    it('Should render the component ', () => {
        configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });
        const ids = [];
        const Component = <h1 ids={ids}>Hola</h1>;
        const ConditionalHOC = getData(Component);
        // read props here somewhere
        const wrapper = shallow(<ConditionalHOC store={store} />);

the test case runs successfully. However i want's to get the props from the component which is returned from HOC ie data which is calculated and passed from hoc file.

Any help will be appreciated :)

  1. Create test utility function to render HOC children

 import React from 'react' import { mount } from 'enzyme' const render = (hoc, props, context) => { const Component = () => <div /> const WrappedComponent = hoc(Component) return mount(<WrappedComponent {...props} />, { context }) } export default (hoc, props, context) => { const component = render(hoc, props, context) const update = () => { component.update() return component.find('Component') } return { component: component.find('Component'), update, root: component, } }

  1. Then use it like this

 import renderHOC from 'your/path' it('your test', () => { const {component} = renderHOC(yourHOC, props) expect(component.prop('propName')).toBe(expected) component.prop('anotherProp')() // runs state update in HOC expect(component.update().prop('updatedProp')).toBe(expected) // NB `update()` is required if you are updating state of the HOC })

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