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eslint error: Unexpected block statement surrounding arrow body

I am getting the following error Unexpected block statement surrounding arrow body when I run this code.

scope.$watch(() => {
            return ngModel.$viewValue;
          }, val => {
            if (ngModel.$isEmpty(val) && ngModel.$dirty) {
              // Remove validation errors
              ngModel.$setValidity('maxnum', true);
              ngModel.$setValidity('minnum', true);
              ngModel.$setValidity('maxsize', true);
              ngModel.$setValidity('minsize', true);
              ngModel.$setValidity('accept', true);

A block statement isn't needed in your first function. It is a single expression. If you remove the block statement it should get rid of the warning:

scope.$watch(() => ngModel.$viewValue, val => {
            if (ngModel.$isEmpty(val) && ngModel.$dirty) {
              // Remove validation errors
              ngModel.$setValidity('maxnum', true);
              ngModel.$setValidity('minnum', true);
              ngModel.$setValidity('maxsize', true);
              ngModel.$setValidity('minsize', true);
              ngModel.$setValidity('accept', true);

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