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Airflow - generate DAG from custom object

I'm using airflow 1.10.3. I am trying to create a class that I can instantiate multiple times to generate DAGs for me. Here is a simplified example:

from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator

class DagClass:

    def __init__(self, dag_id):
        self.dag_id = dag_id

    def test_function():
        print("test 1")

    def test_function2():
        print("test 2")

    def generate_dag(self):
        dag = DAG(self.dag_id)

        task1 = PythonOperator(

        task2 = PythonOperator(


        return dag

Then, I try to use that class to create a DAG in another file here:

from airflow import DAG
from dynamic_dag_test.dag_class import DagClass

dag_class = DagClass('test_dynamic_dag')

dag = dag_class.generate_dag()

globals()['test_dynamic_dag'] = dag

However if I do that, I won't get any errors, but my DAG will never show up in the web UI. BUT, if I instead get rid of the class and just directly import the function from another file, it works fine.

Does anyone know why this is and how I can get it to work with the class? Thanks!

I can confirm the comment of David Schuler as well with Airflow 1.10.1. We had to put the import statement ( from airflow import DAG ) at the top of the Python file.

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