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Set git to always prompt for credentials

Due to some specialized hardware, we have one machine that is shared with a few developers. I would like git commits and pushes to always prompt for credentials. I've tried a couple fixes found on SO including git config --global --unset credential.helper as well as editing the config to include askpass = under [core] . After doing both of these, I still get this when I try to commit:

PS C:\Projects\Windows\projectname> git commit -m "testing shared credentials"

*** Please tell me who you are.


  git config --global user.email "you@example.com"
  git config --global user.name "Your Name"

to set your account's default identity.
Omit --global to set the identity only in this repository.

fatal: unable to auto-detect email address (got 'user@pcname.(none)')

I don't want to set a default identity. I want it to literally ask for a username and password every time. Is this possible?

Edit: I would be okay with perhaps setting a default identity of "Generic Developer" or something but still prompting for credentials.

I want it to literally ask for a username and password every time. Is this possible?

Regarding identity

See " How do I make git block commits if user email isn't set? "

git config --global user.useConfigOnly true

( With Git 2.21 , that works better with git stash too)

That will make Git ask for user.name/email on every commit as long as you don't set a global or local user name/email.

Then, for each commit, you can specify it on the command-line (that will apply for that commit only)

git -c user.name="My Name" -c user.email=my@email.com commit -m "my new commit"

Once the commit done, any new commit would ask for your user name/email again.
Forcing you to specify them on each commit, as show above.

I would be okay with perhaps setting a default identity of "Generic Developer" or something

That is a dreadful idea: you do want to know who did what on each commit.

If have had to develop recently a git wrapper precisely to force a user, on his/her first git command, to select his/her name/email, and store that in a /tmp/git.xxx file, with xxx being the process id of the current bash.
That way, the same wrapper is able to set the proper author/email for each subsequent git commands done in the same shell session (by, presumably, the same user)

Regarding password (authentication)

Make sure to use:

An Git will ask for username/password on every push/pull.
I do confirm that, is there is no credential caching in place, and is HTTPS is used for the remote repository URL (not SSH), a prompt will take place for every pull/push/clone operation.

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