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Convert a dataframe column into a list of object

I am using pandas to read a CSV which contains a phone_number field (string), however, I need to convert this field into the below JSON format [{'phone_number':'+01 373643222'}] and put it under a new column name called phone_numbers , how can I do that?

Searched online but the examples I found are converting the all the columns into JSON by using to_json() which is apparently cannot solve my case.

Below is an example

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'user': ['Bob', 'Jane', 'Alice'], 
                   'phone_number': ['+1 569-483-2388', '+1 555-555-1212', '+1 432-867-5309']})

use map function like this

df["phone_numbers"] = df["phone_number"].map(lambda x: [{"phone_number": x}] )


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