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How to connect a ClojureScript node REPL to my :node-library shadow-cljs project?


I am building a Node.js library with ClojureScript and shadow-cljs .
All development is done with ClojureScript but the build artefact is a NPM package. Example:

(ns com.example.answer)

(defn answer [] 42)

build... release... then

const answer = require('answer');
answer(); //=> 42

NB: I recently contributed the details of my build setup to this post .

My entire development environment is in a Docker container and I am using the "Visual Studio Code Remote - Container" extension.

The "Problem"

My build setup works fine (at least I think so.) but I'd like to implement a faster development feedback cycle.
In other words: I don't want to rebuild an entire NPM package just to test a few lines of change.

The Perfect World aka "the question"

In a perfect world I should be able to have a REPL open and be able to evaluate my ClojureScript code at all time.

No matter how I try to get there I seem to be blocked by the same underlying problem:

No application has connected to the REPL server. Make sure your JS environment has loaded your compiled ClojureScript code.

What I tried

  1. With shadow-cljs only:

    Given the following shadow-cljs.edn file:

     ;; shadow-cljs configuration {:source-paths ["src"]:builds {:lib {:target:node-library:output-to "dist/index.js":exports {:citation citegen.processor.main/citation}}}}

    First watch:

     root@97db64e5dfa3:/workspaces/citegen# cd packages/csl-processor/ root@97db64e5dfa3:/workspaces/citegen/packages/csl-processor# yarn shadow-cljs cljs-repl lib yarn run v1.17.3 $ /workspaces/citegen/node_modules/.bin/shadow-cljs cljs-repl lib shadow-cljs - config: /workspaces/citegen/packages/csl-processor/shadow-cljs.edn cli version: 2.8.52 node: v12.10.0 shadow-cljs - socket connect failed, server process dead? shadow-cljs - updating dependencies... shadow-cljs - dependencies updated shadow-cljs - server version: 2.8.52 running at http://localhost:9630 shadow-cljs - nREPL server started on port 36017 [0:0]~cljs.user=>

    Then in another terminal: (note the error message)

     root@97db64e5dfa3:/workspaces/citegen# cd packages/csl-processor/ root@97db64e5dfa3:/workspaces/citegen/packages/csl-processor# yarn shadow-cljs cljs-repl lib yarn run v1.17.3 $ /workspaces/citegen/node_modules/.bin/shadow-cljs cljs-repl lib shadow-cljs - config: /workspaces/citegen/packages/csl-processor/shadow-cljs.edn cli version: 2.8.52 node: v12.10.0 shadow-cljs - connected to server [1:1]~cljs.user=> (inc 41) No application has connected to the REPL server. Make sure your JS environment has loaded your compiled ClojureScript code.
  2. With VS Code Calva :

    Given the same shadow-cljs.edn file as above:


    When I try to manually load the namespace with Calva: Load current namespace in REPL window , I get the same error:

    No application has connected to the REPL server. Make sure your JS environment has loaded your compiled ClojureScript code.

Question: How do I get to that perfect world?

I would suggest reading the manual section on REPL Troubleshooting .

You most likely want to run shadow-cljs node-repl . This starts a REPL with a connected managed runtime. Otherwise you need something running node to load the code produced by :node-library as described in the manual.

You can do this manually if you like by running node and then require("./dist/index.js") . Once that is done the cljs-repl will be able to eval.

Thanks to Thomas Heller I have managed to get this to work.

What I didn't realise was that I needed to run the build artefact once in order to connect to the REPL.

This will effectively get rid of this error:

No application has connected to the REPL server. Make sure your JS environment has loaded your compiled ClojureScript code.


  1. In VS Code open any ClojureScript file
  2. Press CMD SHIFT p and select Calva: Start a project REPL and connect (aka Jack-in)
  3. Wait until the REPL window opens
  4. Only then, open a new terminal and require your build artefact so that a connect to the REPL is made. eg node -e "require('./dist')"
  5. Open any ClojureScript file you want to evaluate in the REPL, press CMD SHIFT p and select Calva: Load current namespace in the REPL window

I have attached a screencast below. As you can see:

  • The namespace in the CLJS REPL window isn't set to undefined anymore
  • Any change to your ClojureScript file is both automatically recompiled and available in the REPL


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