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The child node “db_driver” at path “fos_user” must be configured

Trying to implement user management with the Sonata User bundle:


I'm under Symfony 4 and I already have installed the SonataAdminBundle

But I have an error when I try to update my composer.

!!  In ArrayNode.php line 224:
!!    The child node "db_driver" at path "fos_user" must be configured.

I have the feeling this is related to Fos User Bundle but I'm not sure at all...

Please tell me which peace of code I can provide to help you with that cause I really don't know at this point.

Following this link: https://symfony.com/doc/master/bundles/SonataAdminBundle/index.html

I have been able to implement all the Getting started part and I was trying to implement the advanced option 5 Security to add user management ( https://symfony.com/doc/master/bundles/SonataAdminBundle/reference/security.html )


Ok, so in fact the issue was not related to FOSUser at all...the composer update was putting the wrong message (the good one, but only because the cache clear wasn't working).

I fixed it by going to the php.ini and setting the memory limit to 256M instead, so as the cache clear worked so as the composer update worked.

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