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Is there a way, in a list of jobs, to change a job's parameter to required?

I am using the script console of hudson and jenkins.

And I need make a parameter called "NAME" become required at the jobs where that parameter already exists. But I do not know any method that can help me.

def instance = hudson.model.Hudson.instance;
def allJobs = instance.getView("All");

allJobs.items.each {

    if (it.containsParameter('NAME')){ /// this exists?

        it.set??? /// what can I do?

I need that way for when someone excute the job the parameter "NAME" do not be empty or null.

you can get the desired result with below code:

def instance = hudson.model.Hudson.instance;
def allJobs = instance.getView("All");

allJobs.items.each {

    prop = it.getProperty(ParametersDefinitionProperty.class)
    if(prop != null) {
        for(param in prop.getParameterDefinitions()) {
            try {
                println(it.name + ":" + param.name + " " + param.defaultValue)
                    println("default value is blank")

            catch(Exception e) {
              println e

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