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Child Blazor app on Blazor Server side app

Adding a Client side Blazor app to a Server Side Blazor app


Following on to the helpful answer here

Blazor sub app 404 error after upgrade to Preview 6

I have run into a situation where it would be helpful to be able to add a Client side Blazor app to a Blazor server side app

I have created the Blazor Server app, attached a client app the the server app, and adjusted the server startup.cs to map the child app. I have also confirmed the client apps index.html base value is correct

 app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>

 app.Map("/subapp", child =>
            child.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>


When I go to the localhost/subapp page the parent app shows "Sorry, there's nothing at this address.", and I can see the parent app is intercepting the routing

Is there a way to get around this, or is this not a valid scenario?



Thanks to the suggestion from 'agua from mars', and reading the link below I experimented with changing the order of where I use app.map

Moving app.map to before app.UseRouting(); creates the expected result


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