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Chaining rxjs operators

I have a function called fetch which is implemented like this:

fetch(): Observable<Option> {
    return this.clientNotebookService.getClientNotebook()
          clientNotebook => {
            this.person = _.find(clientNotebook.persons, i => i.isn === this.isn);
            return {
              value: this.person.address['TownIsn'],
              name: this.person.address['TownName']

where person is of type RelatedPerson and isn if of type string . The problem with this function is that it doesn't know anything about isn , that's to say, isn should be provided to it in some way.

This value can be extracted in the following way:

    params => this.isn = params['id']

And I would like to do this within the fetch method by combining rxjs operators.

You can chain them like below, just extract the 'id' and pass it to fetch

const isn=this.activatedRoute.params.pipe(pluck('id'))

Then add a param to your fetch, then it is available inside the function

fetch(isn){ .....

You can use combineLatest that emits an array of the latest value from both streams every time either emit a value

  this.activatedRoute.params.pipe(map(params => params['id'])),
).pipe(map(([isn, clientNotebook]) => {
  this.person = clientNotebook.persons.find(p => p.isn === isn); // No need for _
  return {
    value: this.person.address['TownIsn'],
    name: this.person.address['TownName']

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