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How to restrict zoom min and max ranges in python holoviews?

I am using holoviews to display a RGB picture using the command below (stack[1] being the image I want to display):

pix = hv.RGB(stack[1]).opts(

It displays fine but when I use the wheel zoom, I can zoom out way past the limits of my image. Is there a way to restrict the limits of my plot so it never goes past the boundaries of my data/image?

May be there is an option but you can use an hook for this

import holoviews as hv
import numpy as np
from functools import partial
def bounds_hook(plot, elem, xbounds=None, ybounds=None):
    x_range = plot.handles['plot'].x_range
    y_range = plot.handles['plot'].y_range
    if xbounds is not None:
        x_range.bounds = xbounds
        x_range.bounds = x_range.start, x_range.end 
    if ybounds is not None:
        y_range.bounds = ybounds
        y_range.bounds = y_range.start, y_range.end 
(hv.Image(np.random.rand(100,100)).opts(hooks=[bounds_hook]) +
hv.Image(np.random.rand(100,100)).opts(hooks=[partial(bounds_hook, xbounds=(-1, 1), ybounds=(-1,1))], axiswise=True)) 

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