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How to conform the ButtonStyle protocol in SwiftUI?

I'd like to create a custom button in SwiftUI that I want to reuse throughout the app. The button is basically just a clickable image with no label on it. I thought about creating a custom ButtonStyle for it. Though, I have problems conforming the ButtonStyle protocol as don't know which type I should choose here.

I already tried some View or just View for <#type> but that didn't work out.

struct customButtonStyle: ButtonStyle {
    typealias Body = <#type>

The error messages I get when trying to use View or some View is: Type 'customButtonStyle' does not conform to protocol 'ButtonStyle' and XCode just adds this line typealias Body = <#type> again.

Thanks so much in advance for your help.

You define custom style in makeBody function. You can use configuration.isPressed to configure the button in a slightly different way when it's pressed.

struct MyButtonStyle: ButtonStyle {

    func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View {
            // all of the modifiers you want to apply in your custom style e.g.:
            .foregroundColor(configuration.isPressed ? .red : .blue)


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