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iOS 13 navigation bar appearance setBackIndicatorImage not working

I'm trying to use the new iOS navigation bar appearance API to configure my app's back button indicator, but it isn't working:

    let bar = self.navigationController!.navigationBar
    let sz = CGSize(20,20)
    let arrow = UIImage(systemName:"arrowtriangle.left")!
    let indic =
        UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size:sz).image { ctx in
            arrow.draw(in:CGRect(0,0,20,20)) // indicator is arrow
    let indicmask =
        UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size:sz).image { ctx in
            ctx.fill(CGRect(0,0,20,20)) // mask is entire image
        indic, transitionMaskImage: indicmask)

All I'm seeing is a big blue rectangle.


What's going on?

It's a very silly bug: Apple has the parameters backward, Just swap the image to go where the mask should be and the mask to go where the image should be: and all will be well:

    let bar = self.navigationController!.navigationBar
    let sz = CGSize(20,20)
    let arrow = UIImage(systemName:"arrowtriangle.left")!
    let indic =
        UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size:sz).image { ctx in
            arrow.draw(in:CGRect(0,0,20,20)) // indicator is arrow
    let indicmask =
        UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size:sz).image { ctx in
            ctx.fill(CGRect(0,0,20,20)) // mask is entire image
        indicmask, transitionMaskImage: indic) // swap!


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