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How do I fill a 5 x 2 range with 5 literals in one column and 5 formulas in another in a single run with Excel VBA

I want to automatically fill a 5 x 2 range with text and corresponding formulas. Consider we take columns D and E . The resulting range of cells should look as follows:

| D       | E                             |
| Average | =ROUNDUP(AVERAGE($B2:$Bxx),0) |
| Maximum | =MAX($B2:$B41)                |
| Median  | =ROUND(MEDIAN($B2:$B41); 0)   |
| Total   | =COUNTA(Sheet!A$2:A$90000)    |
| Total2  | =COUNTA('Sheet {2}'!A2:A8000) |

I thought that I could fill the whole range with pairs text, formula. I've created the following code:

Sub FillSummary()
Dim strFormulas(1 To 10) As Variant
Dim wsa As Worksheet: Set wsa = ActiveSheet

With wsa
    strFormulas(1) = "Average"
    strFormulas(2) = "=ROUNDUP(AVERAGE($B2:$Bxx),0)"
    strFormulas(3) = "Maximum"
    strFormulas(4) = "=MAX($B2:$Bxx)"
    strFormulas(5) = "Median"
    strFormulas(6) = "=ROUND(MEDIAN($B2:$Bxx); 0)"
    strFormulas(7) = "Total"
    strFormulas(6) = "=COUNTA(Sheet!A$2:A$90000)"
    strFormulas(9) = "Total2"
    strFormulas(10) = "=COUNTA('Sheet {2}'!A2:A8000)"
    .Range("D2:E2").Formula = strFormulas

End With
End Sub

Important moment here: I need to set different cell addresses every time the code runs. That is why I have specified Bxx instead of specific addresses.

I planned to use Replace() after the formulas are added like:

strFormulas(1) = Replace(xx, "41", sheetName)

However, the code fails when executing line .Range("D2:E2").Formula = strFormulas . What am I doing wrong?

This code runs OK:

Sub FillDAUSummary()
Dim strFormulas(1 To 10) As Variant
Dim wsa As Worksheet: Set wsa = ActiveSheet

With wsa
    .Range("D2").Formula = "Average"
    .Range("E2").Formula = "=ROUNDUP(AVERAGE($B2:$B41),0)"
    .Range("D3").Formula = "Maximum"
    .Range("E3").Formula = "=MAX($B2:$B41)"
    .Range("D4").Formula = "Median"
    .Range("E4").Formula = "=ROUND(MEDIAN($B2:$B41), 0)"
    .Range("D5").Formula = "Total"
    .Range("E5").Formula = "=COUNTA(Sheet!A$2:A$90000)"
    .Range("D6").Formula = "Total2"
    .Range("E6").Formula = "=COUNTA('Sheet {2}'!A2:A8000)"
End With
End Sub

However, it has a shortcoming. I had to specify string range: B$2:$B41 . In fact, I would like to specify the end of the range on every run. Thank you.

Sub FillSummary()
    Dim strFormulas(1 To 5, 1 To 2) As Variant
    Dim wsa As Worksheet: Set wsa = ActiveSheet

    Dim rw As Long
    rw = 41

    With wsa
        strFormulas(1, 1) = "Average"
        strFormulas(1, 2) = "=ROUNDUP(AVERAGE($B2:$B" & rw & "),0)"
        strFormulas(2, 1) = "Maximum"
        strFormulas(2, 2) = "=MAX($B2:$B41)"
        strFormulas(3, 1) = "Median"
        strFormulas(3, 2) = "=ROUND(MEDIAN($B2:$B41), 0)"
        strFormulas(4, 1) = "Total"
        strFormulas(4, 2) = "=COUNTA(Sheet!A$2:A$90000)"
        strFormulas(5, 1) = "Total2"
        strFormulas(5, 2) = "=COUNTA('Sheet {2}'!A2:A8000)"
        .Range("D2:E6").Formula = strFormulas

    End With
End Sub


Sub FillSummary()
    Dim strFormulas(1 To 5, 1 To 2) As Variant
    Dim wsa As Worksheet: Set wsa = ActiveSheet

    Dim rw As Long
    rw = 41

    With wsa
        strFormulas(1, 1) = "Average"
        strFormulas(1, 2) = "=ROUNDUP(AVERAGE($B2:$Bxx),0)"
        strFormulas(2, 1) = "Maximum"
        strFormulas(2, 2) = "=MAX($B2:$B41)"
        strFormulas(3, 1) = "Median"
        strFormulas(3, 2) = "=ROUND(MEDIAN($B2:$B41), 0)"
        strFormulas(4, 1) = "Total"
        strFormulas(4, 2) = "=COUNTA(Sheet!A$2:A$90000)"
        strFormulas(5, 1) = "Total2"
        strFormulas(5, 2) = "=COUNTA('Sheet {2}'!A2:A8000)"

        strFormulas(1, 2) = Replace(strFormulas(1, 2), "xx", rw)

        .Range("D2:E6").Formula = strFormulas

    End With
End Sub

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