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Subdomain & Pricing of Google-managed SSL certificate in Load Balancing

Can anyone help me with the pricing and support for Subdomain for Google-managed SSL certificate in Load Balancing.

I am working with https for Static website. https://medium.com/@marco_37432/create-a-custom-domain-cdn-with-google-beta-7ad9531dfbae

I want to create a Subdomain with admin.example.com to link Google-managed SSL certificate in Load Balancing


But with Google docs I can see "Its not supporting wildcard common names or multiple subject alternate names" I cant understand, Can any one explain me and can I use create admin.example.com to link Google-managed SSL certificate.


With pricing I can see its free in https://geekflare.com/google-managed-certificate-lb/ Can I find them google Document to confirm.

Google Cloud Managed SSL Certificates are free.

You can only use Google Managed SSL Certificates with Google services such as load balancers. You cannot use them on services you control. Google does not make the certificate private key available.

Google services such as load balancers support more than one SSL certificate. Each Google managed certificate can only have one verified domain name. This can be a subdomain of a root domain you own/control. Wildcards are not supported.

If any of the above limitations affect you, then you will need to select self-managed certificates. You can easily create your own Let's Encrypt SSL certificates with Cloud Shell.

Example commands to run on Cloud Shell:

wget https://dl.eff.org/certbot-auto
chmod +x certbot-auto
./certbot-auto certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns -d 'example.com' -d '*.example.com'

I wrote an article that covers this in detail here .

As of today (2020-01-28) Google supports multiple domains in a single certificate (in beta):

Cloud Load Balancing – multiple domain support for Google-managed SSL certificates: beta


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