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Vue.js Loading and hiding async component

I am making a chatbot in vue.js and I need your help. I created 2 Vue components:

  • ChatLoader.vue - first components that render a button to open actual webchat window

  • Webchat.vue - the async component that only loads when I
    Click on a button to open the chat window.

So what my ChatLoader.vue is doing is setting parameter chatInitialized = true on button click. Then the chat window is opened.

In my Webchat.vue I have a close button which on click only hides the chat window (not removed from DOM) by setting showWindow = false;

Now when the chat window is hidden I again see the button to open the chat (which was there all the time only not visible because overlapped by chatwindow) but when I click on the button now I want to set showWindow = true in Webchat.vue component instead of the previous behavior, so the webchat window is shown again.


        <span class="open-chat" v-on:click="showChat">
            <i class="icon ficon-live-chat"></i>
            Virtual assistant
        <Webchat v-if="chatInitialized"></Webchat>

    import ChatLoading from "./ChatLoading.vue";

    const Webchat = () => ({
        component: import('./Webchat.vue'),
        loading: ChatLoading

    export default {
        data() {
            return {
                chatInitialized: false
        components: {
        methods: {
            showChat() {
                this.chatInitialized = true;


    <div class="chat-window" v-show="showWindow">
        <button type="button" class="cancel icon ficon-close" v-on:click="minimize"></button>

    import <WebchatPlugin{
    } from "botframework-webchat/lib/index";
    import {DirectLine} from "botframework-directlinejs";

    export default {
        data() {
            return {
                showWindow : true
        components: <WebchatPlugin
        methods: {
            minimize() {
                this.showWindow = false

How can I accomplish that? Thank you

If you want to toggle the child component's ( <Webchat> ) state showWindow from a consuming parent component, then you will have to create a method in the child component that can be invoked by the parent element.

First of all, in your Webchat component, create a new method, say maximize , that will change this.showWindow to true :

methods: {
    minimize() {
        this.showWindow = false;
    maximize() {
        this.showWindow = true;

Then, in your parent component, you can then:

  1. Create a reference to your Webchat component
  2. Use this.$ref to access the component and its inner methods, and call the maximize() method you've just created:


        <span class="open-chat" v-on:click="showChat">
            <i class="icon ficon-live-chat"></i>
            Virtual assistant

        <!-- Use `ref` attribute to create a reference to component -->
        <Webchat ref="webchat" v-if="chatInitialized"></Webchat>

    import ChatLoading from "./ChatLoading.vue";

    const Webchat = () => ({
        component: import('./Webchat.vue'),
        loading: ChatLoading

    export default {
        data() {
            return {
                chatInitialized: false
        components: {
        methods: {
            showChat() {
                this.chatInitialized = true;

                // Access Webchat component's inner method
                // Do this inside `this.$nextTick` to ensure it is accessible
                this.$nextTick(() => {

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