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Protocols in Swift

I want to create a FileManager using protocols in Swift.

It is simply a struct

struct AppFile: AppFileManipulation {

    let fileName: String

    init(fileName: String)
        self.fileName = fileName


which is created in the code

let file = AppFile(fileName: "testfile.txt")

now I want to separate out different functions into different protocols

One of these gives the status for the file, here it is with file exists

protocol AppFileStatus
    func exists(file at: URL) -> Bool

extension AppFileStatus
    func exists(file at: URL) -> Bool
        return FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: at.path)

and I want to have a separate protocol that has file operations

protocol AppFileManipulation : AppDirectoryNames, AppFileStatus
    func writeStringsToFile(containing: String, to path: FileManager.SearchPathDirectory, withName name: String) -> Bool

extension AppFileManipulation
        func writeStringsToFile(containing: String, to path: FileManager.SearchPathDirectory, withName name: String) -> Bool{


Now for various reasons (to check if the file already exists, actually) I want the body of writeStringsToFile to access exists(file at: URL).

One solution would be to put everything into the same protocol, but really I wanted to split the functionality out. Another option would be to repeat code.

How should I structure this so I can access the AppFileStatus methods from within the AppFileManipulation protocol?

Here is a sample project; https://github.com/stevencurtis/ProtocolFileHandling

You might be looking for the where Self option for your extension:

struct AppFile: AppFileStatus, AppFileManipulation {

    let fileName: String

    init(fileName: String)
        self.fileName = fileName

protocol AppFileStatus
    func exists(file at: URL) -> Bool

extension AppFileStatus
    func exists(file at: URL) -> Bool
        return FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: at.path)

protocol AppFileManipulation
    func writeStringsToFile(containing: String, to path: FileManager.SearchPathDirectory, withName name: String) -> Bool

extension AppFileManipulation where Self: AppFileStatus
    func writeStringsToFile(containing: String, to path: FileManager.SearchPathDirectory, withName name: String) -> Bool{
            let exists = self.exists(file: URL(fileURLWithPath: ""))

            return true

and now you can call:

let file = AppFile(fileName: "testfile.txt")
file.writeStringsToFile(containing: ..., to: ..., withName: ...)

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