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Can Discord Bot send a message on a channel to everyone

I'm coding a discord Bot with the discord.js library on a nodeJs server. Here is my question: is that possible when an event occure (like someone sending a message) that the bot answers to members of a role, or to everyone. The message.reply("my reply") method only answer to the author of the message as I use it for now...

Your problem is that message.reply() is a very limited method: it always mentions the author of the message, and you can't override that.

You need to use a more generic method, channel.send() , and construct the mention yourself. .reply() is just a shortcut for a frequently used form of it, but you need something custom.

Presumably, you want it to happen in the same channel as the message, so you need message.channel.send("Whatever content you want") .

Now, to add a role, you need to decide how to pick one. Is it fixed? Then you could hard-code a role mention by role ID : <@&134362454976102401> (of course, it needs to be the role ID you require).

If you want to find a role, for example by name, you need to do that via searching through the guild in question. You can access it though message.guild , but be warned that it will be undefined for DMs.

Then you can do something like

const role = message.guild.roles.find(role => role.name === "NameYouWant");
message.channel.send(`${role} something something`);

because Role objects become mentions when converted to strings.

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