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How to read data value for Cypress?

I am trying to read data from API response. The html in Chrome Inspect shows the value, but the number changes either to 4 or 5. I need Cypress to read the data, and based on the value, do a certain condition.


<p _ngcontent-wvl-c5="" class="availablelicenses"> 5 </p>


it("number of licences", function(){
    if (avc == ls){
      cy.get('p[class="add-user"]').contains('All licenses are already assigned')
    else {

The easiest way is to get text first like this:

const licensesOne = document.querySelector('p[class="availablelicenses"]').innerText;
const licensesTwo = document.querySelector('p[class="totallicenses"]').innerText;

if (licensesOne === licensesTwo) {
  // Checks to run if texts are equal
} else {
  // Checks to run if texts are different

Note that both .innerText & .querySelector(…) work only with one element at aa time. If you have more than one element, you might want to use a loop. Also, .innerText might work inconsistently across browsers.

Apart from that, as @eric99 correctly points out, document.querySelector will not wait at all for element to update/appear. So, if you run this test just after API call, you might prefer to use the method explained below.

There's also an alternative & slightly more involved way proposed by Cypress . Applied to your case, it would look something like this:

// Gets text of element and passes it to "then" callback
  availableLicensesText => {
    //Gets text of second element & passes it to "then" callback
    cy.get(`p[class="totallicenses"]`).invoke(`text`).then(totalLicensesText => {
      if( availableLicensesText ===  totalLicensesText){
        // Checks to run if texts are equal
      } else {
        // Checks to run if texts are different

If possible, I recommend ditching the if statement, and performing two tests. This will give you better coverage by ensuring both paths are tested.

context("number of licences", function() {

  it('when max licences not assigned, should allow licence entry', () => {


    // Stubbed with mock response of same shape as real response
    cy.route('api/path/to/licence/count', {
      assigned: 4,   
      total: 5

    cy.contains('p[class="availablelicenses"]', '4'); // confirms stubbed response used 
    cy.contains('p[class="totallicenses"]', '5');     


  it('when max licences assigned, should not allow licence entry', () => {


    // Stubbed with mock response of same shape as real response
    cy.route('api/path/to/licence/count', {
      assigned: 5,   
      total: 5

    cy.contains('p[class="availablelicenses"]', '5'); // confirms stubbed response used 
    cy.contains('p[class="totallicenses"]', '5');     

    cy.get('p[class="add-user"]').contains('All licenses are already assigned')


If you can't stub the API, you could use something similar to Igor's last suggestion, but I would stay away from document.querySelector('p[class="availablelicenses"]') as it's going to be flakey, see this section of the docsRetry-ability .

Also, use should() instead of .then() for the same reason.

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