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How to generate Hyperledger Fabric keystore offline

I am using fabric-sdk-nodejs to enroll the user it works fine, but all the private key and msp will be created using fabric CA.

my questions

  1. How i can generate keypair for offline user and then generate the certificate using fabric CA for particular organisation?
  2. Is it possible to create keypair offline, which keypair generation is supported or fabric has own offline keypair generation?
  3. In production environment we cannot keep the user keypair, so how generation of keypair flow works?

The way you are trying to do is wrong

generation of private key and certificate is a multi-step procedure

When you try to create a keypair(private key & certificate) root-ca or intermediate-ca has to sign it then only it will be valid, this is called signing by using the concept of PKI

Fabric supports x509 certificate & ecdsa private key, you can generate root-ca certificate and sign certs outside.

Coming to your question about security of user credentials: you can always use fabric-ca to generate the sign certs and you have three options

  • store in the server as file-storage
  • store it in couchdb as key-value store
  • store it in hardware using hsm or so

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