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git diff exclude merge - commits

I'm trying to list all changed files inside branch FEATURE-1 ignoring it's merge commits to the branch DEV, from which it was originally created using git diff. So the graph looks like this:

        /   /   /

and when i'm on y commit, and type

git diff --name-only dev...feature

i get right what i need. But after merging feature branch into dev, imagine we are on w now, using this command i get blank output. So i need to exclude somehow all merge commits from git diff. Is there any way to exclude such commits? thanks in advance.

I use git version 2.21.0.windows.1 Windows 10, for local project

Outdated answer (see comments)

Just reference the commit before the merge instead of dev

git diff --name-only <commit e>...feature

(if the merge commit is the last one on dev , you can just use HEAD^ instead of first searching for the hash in the branch's log)

Edit after comments:

It seems your graph is more like this:

      X---Y---Z <<< feature
     /     \   \ 
A---B-------C---D---E <<< dev

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