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Password Protect a Page after login Laravel

After a user registers and logs in, I have an unlisted page/secret page that I need to protect with another password.

I'm trying to get spatie/laravel-littlegatekeeper to help me do this, but running into issues getting it working.

What I'm doing:



return [
    // Login credentials
    'username' => env('GATEKEEPER_USERNAME', 'default_username'),
    'password' => env('GATEKEEPER_PASSWORD', 'default_password'),

    // The key as which the littlegatekeeper session is stored
    'sessionKey' => 'littlegatekeeper.loggedin',

    // The route to which the middleware redirects if a user isn't authenticated
    // 'authRoute' => url('login'),


Route::get('/secretapage', ['middleware' => 'littlegatekeeper', function () {
    return view('dir.secretapage.index');

Route::get('/secretapage/login', function () {
    return view('dir.secretapage.login');

Route::post('/secretapage/login/addCredentials', 'SecretController@addCredentials')->name('addCredentials');


After I log in my user. I then try to access the URL /secretpage I get redirected back to the homepage rather the /secretpage/login

    public function index(Request $request)
        $auth = resolve('littlegatekeeper');

            return view('dir.secretpage.index');

        return view('dir.secretpage.login');



        public function addCredentials(Request $request)

        $auth = resolve('littlegatekeeper');

        $loginSuccess = $auth->attempt($request->only([

        if ($loginSuccess) {
            return redirect('/secretapage')->with('success', 'Thank You for authorizing. Please proceed.');
            return back()->with('error', 'You entered the wrong credentials');


Blade login file:

<form method="POST" action="{{ route('addCredentials') }}">

If I access secretpage/login 1st, I'm able to add the username and password. Then I can get into /secretpage with no issues....

But I really need to have the users go to /secretpage 1st then if not logged in with the secret username/pass get redirected to /secretpage/login.

I found some help on Laracasts and this ended up working.

Change the authRoute in the littlegatekeeper config file to the following

'authRoute' => '/secretpage/login',

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