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Import SVG icons from another folder

I want to import svg icons from my icon folder, to change the color of the icons I have to give fill parameter to path inside SVG. So i need import and to show only SVG but not like <img src="icon.svg"/> .

I first put one SVG right inside the component and it shows no problem. but I have a lot of icons I can't put everything inside the component.

import React from "react";
import { makeStyles } from "@material-ui/core/styles";

export const Gunicon = ({ name, height, width, color, bold }) => {
  const classes = makeStyles(theme => {
    /* i want to give style like this */
    return {
      gunicon: {
        "& svg": {
          "& path": {
            fill: color,
            stroke: color,
            strokeWidth: bold

  /* this is working. but i dont like this */
  const ico = (
    <svg height={height} width={width} viewBox="0 0 512 512">
      <path d="test svg" fill={color} stroke={color} strokeWidth={bold} />

  return (
    <div className={classes.gunicon}>
      {/* dont working */}
      {/* working */}

when i am writing as {require("./icons/${name}.svg")} . this is showing me only path to SVG. But i want import every SVG by name and only SVG

Ok, my friend.

I guess you are using create-react-app and you don't need to configure your webpack (I hope nowadays no one knows what is webpack)

So, what did they in create-react-app is added loader for svg for you, and map source of the loaded asset to the field ReactComponent . What you need to do is:

  const { ReactComponent: Icon } = require(`./icons/${name}.svg`);
  return (
    <Icon />

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