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Azure Storage Blob with CodeIgnitor

I'd have a PHP {codeigniter} application that i want to migrate to its storage service from AWS S3 to Blob Storage,The application uploads all media files to S3 bucket and S3 generates a link that is stored to the database in which the media file can be accessed from,I want to do the same with azure Blobs storage.I'm facing technical hindrance as i can't find the right resources {libraries/code samples} achieve this goal.Tried the Azure PHP SKD but it didn't work out.

Actually, there is a detailed sample for using Azure Storage PHP SDK. You may refer to: https://github.com/Azure/azure-storage-php/blob/master/samples/BlobSamples.php

To run that sample, you just need to replace the following place with your own value:

$connectionString = 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=<yourAccount>;AccountKey=<yourKey>';


I see that you want to generate an access url and store it in database. I am not familiar with AWS S3, but with Azure Storage you may need to s et public access level on container or blob .

Otherwise, you can not access the blob directly. You may need to created a SAS token .

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