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Can't delete a Google Cloud Project

I have an old Google Cloud Project that i just can't delete.

When I do it via website i get an "Project Service Unknown error Tracking number: 342342354345345345"

When i do it via CLI with command:

gcloud projects delete "PROJECT"

I get an error:

ERROR: (gcloud.projects.delete) FAILED_PRECONDITION: Precondition check failed.

'@type': type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ResourceInfo

resourceName: projects/77777777777777

resourceType: PROJECT

What else can i do?

In case you are using Cloud Endpoints services in your project, you should delete them first and try to delete the project again by using the UI or the following gcloud command:

gcloud projects delete "PROJECT"

In case that is not too late this worked for me:

  1. see your project retentions: gcloud alpha resource-manager liens list
  2. if you have any retention delete: gcloud alpha resource-manager liens delete "name"
  3. delete your project gcloud projects delete "project"

more info about gcp project retentions here

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