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What is the format for the dependency version to install github pages and jekyll?

I was following the github instructions for jekyll and github . At step 8 & 9 it says:

8) Open the Gemfile that was created and follow the instructions in the Gemfile's comments to use GitHub Pages.

 # uncomment the line below. To upgrade, run `bundle update github-pages`. gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins

9) Update the gem "github-pages" line so that the line looks like this, replacing VERSION with the current dependency version for github-pages. For more information, see "Dependency versions" on the GitHub Pages site.

gem "github-pages", "~> VERSION", group: :jekyll_plugins

but I don't understand what goes in VERSION

I tried the following:

# gem "github-pages", "~> jekyll 3.8.5", group: :jekyll_plugins
#gem "github-pages", "~> 3.8.5", group: :jekyll_plugins

but they all result in errors. However, its obvious that the errors don't matter because I don't know what is suppose to go in Version . Whats supposed to go in version VERSION ?

related error:

The versions for the github-pages gem are different than for the Jekyll gem.

To look up a gem's versions, use RubyGems.org.

Here are the versions for github-pages: https://rubygems.org/gems/github-pages

The latest version is 202, so you'd put:

gem "github-pages", "202"

With each new release (you can watch the github/pages-gem repo for releases if you want to be notified when new ones are released), just replace the "202" with the new version in quotes.

Hope this helps.

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