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Nested subscription in Angular - performance issue?

I have a subscription to store and base on the value from the store, a call to a service is made which I subscribe to further.

Does nested subscription cause performance issue? Although onDestroy the subscription is destroyed.

ngOnInit() {
  this.currentYear = (new Date).getFullYear();
  this.statesubscription = this.contentServerStore
    .subscribe(val => {
      if (!this.checkValuesService.isNullOrUndefined(val) &&
        val.region.toUpperCase() == Constants.region.us
      ) {
        let contentRequest = new ContentRequest();
        this.regionService.getRegion(contentRequest).subscribe(region => {
          if (!this.checkValuesService.isNullOrUndefined(region)) {
            this.regionContent = <string>this.domSanitizer

Try to use the flatMap operator for nesting subscriptions.

ngOnInit() {
    this.currentYear = (new Date).getFullYear();
    this.statesubscription = this.regionService.getRegion(contentRequest).flatMap(region => this.contentServiceFunc(region)).subscribe()

private contentServiceFunc(region) {
    return this.contentServerStore.pipe(select(getContentServerState))
        .subscribe(val => {
            if (!this.checkValuesService.isNullOrUndefined(val) &&
                val.region.toUpperCase() == Constants.region.us
            ) {
                let contentRequest = new ContentRequest();

                if (!this.checkValuesService.isNullOrUndefined(region)) {
                    this.regionContent = < string > this.domSanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(region[Constants.regionKey]);


Yeah. subscribe bing in a nested fashion like the way you're doing is definitely an anti-pattern.

You can probably try using map and switchMap operators along with an async pipe in the template to achieve this.

Here, give this a try:

ngOnInit() {
  this.currentYear = (new Date).getFullYear();
  this.regionContent$ = this.contentServerStore
      map(val => {
        if (!this.checkValuesService.isNullOrUndefined(val) &&
          val.region.toUpperCase() == Constants.region.us
        ) {
          let contentRequest = new ContentRequest();
          return this.regionService.getRegion(contentRequest)
              switchMap(region => {
                if (!this.checkValuesService.isNullOrUndefined(region)) {
                  return <string > this.domSanitizer
                } else {
                  return of(`<h1>No Content Found!</h1>`);

In the template you could do something like this:

<div [innerHTML]="regionContent$ | async"></div>

PS: I haven't really tried this, but should probably work.

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