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Passing data to a view loaded with res.redirect in express

Good morning all. I am trying to pass data to a view which is loaded in express via a redirect:


The above is an html view which loads fine with just the redirect, but I want to pass some data. I can't pass data as part of a redirect, as far as I understand only a redirect?

So I have set up a GET for that route, and am trying to render the view with the data, but I am getting the error:

template not found: /manage-account/2-0/returns/answers.html

This is the route I created and how the page is initially redirected to in another view:

router.get('/manage-account/2-0/returns/questions', function (req, res) {
  // stuff


router.get('/manage-account/2-0/returns/answers', function (req, res) {
  res.render('/manage-account/2-0/returns/answers', { data })

I found the possible way to write.

Server Side app.engine('html', require('ejs').renderFile); -

 app.get('/main', function(req, res) {

   var name = 'hello';

   res.render(__dirname + "/views/layouts/main.html", {name:name});


Client side (main.html) -

<h1><%= name %></h1>

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