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How to check in the teardown method of mocha (tdd) if the current test failed?

I know how to check if a test failed in the afterEach() method of mocha: That's explained here: detecting test failures from within afterEach hooks in Mocha

But what about the people using suite and test (tdd) instead of describe and it ??

How can I check if the current test failed here? The same code won't work because state would be undefined:

  teardown(async () => {
    // check if failed:
    if (this.currentTest.state === 'failed') {

It seems that it works a little bit different with tdd (using suite and test ).

Accessing this.ctx.currentTest instead of this.currentTest worked for me.


if (this.ctx.currentTest.state === 'failed') {
  console.log(`'${this.ctx.currentTest.title}' failed`);

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