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How to setup ssh connection between lxc container and an ubuntu machine

I am new to ansible.I have an ubuntu machine where i have installed Ansible and 3 lxc containers.I am not able to setup ssh connection between the source machine which is ubuntu VM and container.I want to use passwordless authorization between them.

I generate ssh keys through ssh Keygen and trying to add that to lxc container with the below command: ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@ It says permission denied. I am not able to login in ssh container via ip address but i can login in there by name db1 for some reason. I changed password Authentication to yes in sshd.config file.

All the linux distribution have by default disabled the ssh via root user as a security measure - this might be one of the reason that you are facing permission denied error.

I would suggest you to create a new user for ansible and use this user to ssh to the remote server.

Note: Don't use root or enable ssh login via root user.

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