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RxSwift, how to use NotificationCenter more gently?

Got a IAP purchased notification, then I request the transaction from my server.

To download a song and play, if transaction OK.

I use RxSwift, The following code works, I want to improve it.

NotificationCenter.default.rx.notification( .purchase )
        .map { (noti) -> String in
                return "Not care"
              // I want to optimize this step
        .flatMap{ self.downloadSong($0) }.subscribe(onNext: { downloaded in
            if downloaded{
        .disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)

  func transactionRequest()  -> Observable<String> { // ... }

  func downloadSong(_ src: String) -> Observable<Bool> { // ...  }

I can not use like this

NotificationCenter.default.rx.notification( .purchase )


Instance method 'concat' requires the types 'Notification' and 'String' be equivalent

So I add a boilerplate map

Any more proper operator, or custom operator?

The return type of the Observable that is feeding concat and the one that is passed to concat must be the same. I suggest you use flatMap instead. Also, you are capturing self all over the place which means memory issues.

Here's how I would do it:

    .flatMapLatest { [unowned self] _ in self.transactionRequest() }
    .flatMapLatest { [unowned self] in self.downloadSong($0) }
    .subscribe(onNext: { [unowned self] downloaded in
        if downloaded {
    .disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)

If you didn't put all your functions inside the class, you could get rid of the self. and not have to worry about capturing self.

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