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Use HOC as React Component

I've got a HOC called withData .

I use it as withData(Component) .

And need also to wrap html code in HOC in the render in the route:

<Route path={`/${ROUTES.HOME}`}
       render={() => (
                         <Layout className="big-head" addImg>
                            <Home />
                      )} />

By convention of HOC, its name should be in camel case (withData). But to use HOC as component the name should be in pascal case (WithData). Warning using camel case:

Warning: <withUserData /> is using incorrect casing. Use PascalCase for React components, or lowercase for HTML elements.

How to avoid this error with not changing the name in the HOC?


  • const WithUserData = withUserData;
  • const WithUserData =;

got errors.

Component name should be in CAPS: WithUserData.

If you use small caps it will consider it HTML tag like <p>, <h1> .

Try with component name as WithUserData, it will work.

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