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Trying to pull from github i get error remote: Repository not found

My server was working fine until yesterday it was pulling fine. today I run the command

>> git pull origin <branch>

I get a response: remote: Repository not found. I run command

>> ssh -T git@github.com

I get response: Hi, You've successfully authenticated. but GitHub does not provide shell access.

>> I added ssh to my use and it has read and write ability

I even added config file like in here


still not working, and it'd be a mess if I create a new repo.

any ideas? is there something wrong with GitHub? why this might happen.

If your URL ( git remote -v ) is indeed git@github.com:/

If not, check the case of the URL (it is case sensitive).

And try an HTTPS URL just for testing:

git ls-remote https://github.com/<you>/<yourRepo>

That will ask for your credentials (GitHub username/password)

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