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how to get position of a cell of a particular row on clicked of a table

A basic question, but stuck on how to,

I have a table like below:

col0  col1  col2  col3  col3  col5
row1 | A  |   B |   C |  D  |  E
row2 | X  |   Y |   Z |  S  |  T

I am looking for a solution like if I click on A how to get the value of its position as 1 , if B 2 similarly X 1 ....?

I was doing it like below:{tried with different scenario}

new sap.ui.core.Icon({

            press : function(evt) {

                   var source=evt.getSource();

                      var iconIndex=evt.mParameters.id; 
                      var iconIndexValue=iconIndex.split('-'); #{iconIndex = "__icon13-container-........}
                      var indexnumber=iconIndexValue[0].substring(6);#{13}

The issue I am facing using above method is when page on loaded, if I select A the value I get is 6 which is next set of position values, but when I refresh the page It is again 1 .

Is there any different approach to get as above?

I am also stuck on how to explain this in breif, but I guess the above expected result makes sense..

Any help is appreciated!!

As per my understanding you need to know the clicked cell position. You can achieve it by table methods like indexOfItem() and indexOfCell()


<Table items="{/items}">
        <Column> <Text text="Amount" /> </Column>
        <Column> <Text text="Quantity" /> </Column>
        <Column> <Text text="Weight" /> </Column>
        <Column> <Text text="Status" /> </Column>
                <Link text="{Amount}" press="getCellInfo" />
                <Link text="{Quantity}" press="getCellInfo" />
                <Link text="{Unit}" press="getCellInfo" />
                <Link text="{parameter1}" press="getCellInfo" />                    


getCellInfo: function(oEvent) {
    var oCell = oEvent.getSource();
    var oRow = oCell.getParent();
    var oTable = oRow.getParent();
    console.log("Row: "  + oTable.indexOfItem(oRow) + " Cell index: ", oRow.indexOfCell(oCell));        

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