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Redirect URL if value ACF matches URL slug of page

I could use some help with something I try to achieve. We have a WordPress custom post type with vacancies and all those vacancies have a unique ID like 'P563328-18'. The URL of a single vacancie is like this:


The vacancie ID's are stored in a ACF (custom field) 'vacancie_id' and I got a code like this to get all vacancie ID's:

$posts = get_posts(array(
    'numberposts' => -1,
    'post_type' => 'vacancies',
    'meta_key' => 'vacancie_id'

    foreach($posts as $post)
        echo the_field('vacancie_id');

I know this is kind of useless for what I want to achieve but then you have an idea.

I want to create an automatic 301 redirect when somebody tries to visit this URL: https://example.com/redirect/P563328-18

The server is redirecting this URL to the vacancie with that unique ID like: https://example.com/vacancies/vacancie-title-p563328-18/

Is something like this possible and can somebody point me in the right direction on how I can achieve this?



The answer of Tom made me think and the first URL that needs to get the redirect is a 404.

So basically what I want to achieve that when the 404 has a url like this: https://example.com/redirect/P563328-18

redirect it to a vacancie post that has a slug that matches P563328-18. https://example.com/vacancies/vacancie-title-p563328-18/

Is your first URL valid or generates it a 404?

I`m not really a fan of plugins, but this one works quite good on some of my pages to serve this cause:


Just try it out, it finds a similar post and generates a 301 redirection to that post automatically.

If your first url does not generate a 404 then you could deny access with a.htacess file in the /redirect/ directory, like:

Deny from all
ErrorDocument 404 "/errors/404.html"

Regards Tom

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