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Angular two api request and Promise problem

I'm using some ugly api and agly database. And i must to "merge data" from two tables books and authors in angular service in my app. I have in my service two promises:

getBookData() {
    promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    ).subscribe((dataBooks: any) => {

// One of data records fields is data.author_id contains raw author id value (api is ugly and i cant fix it)

// All what i need is mix/merge or nesting this two promises for bind (replace) data.author_id to dataAuthor.name  

//exaple record of dataBooks
//0:{name: "Romeo And Julia", aurhor_id = 2}

//i need on output:

//0:{name: "Romeo And Julia", aurhor_id = "William Shakespeare"}

//using this function and getAuthorBy(aurhor_id). This is all my prblem. 

    }, error => {
  return promise;

//and other promise returns author data  (specified by id)

getAuthorBy(id) {
  promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    ).subscribe((dataAuthor: any) => {

    }, error => {
  return promise;

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If I understand the task correctly you can use forkJoin() to get data at once from several requests.

forkJoin(observable1$, observable2$).subscribe(([observable1, observable2]) => {
    // work with the observables

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