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Why does this goroutine not call wg.Done()?

Suppose there are a maximum two elements (worker addresses) on registerChan at any point. Then for some reason, the following code does not call wg.Done() in the last two goroutines.

func schedule(jobName string, mapFiles []string, nReduce int, phase jobPhase, registerChan chan string) {
    var ntasks int
    var nOther int // number of inputs (for reduce) or outputs (for map)
    switch phase {
    case mapPhase:
        ntasks = len(mapFiles)
        nOther = nReduce
    case reducePhase:
        ntasks = nReduce
        nOther = len(mapFiles)

    fmt.Printf("Schedule: %v %v tasks (%d I/Os)\n", ntasks, phase, nOther)

    const rpcname = "Worker.DoTask"
    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    for taskNumber := 0; taskNumber < ntasks; taskNumber++ {
        file := mapFiles[taskNumber%len(mapFiles)]
        taskArgs := DoTaskArgs{jobName, file, phase, taskNumber, nOther}
        go func(taskArgs DoTaskArgs) {
            workerAddr := <-registerChan
            // _ = call(workerAddr, rpcname, taskArgs, nil)
            registerChan <- workerAddr
    fmt.Printf("Schedule: %v done\n", phase)

If I put wg.Done() before registerChan <- workerAddr it works just fine and I have no idea why. I have also tried deferring wg.Done() but that doesn't seem to work even though I expected it to. I think I have some misunderstanding of how go routines and channels work which is causing my confusion.

Because it stopped here:

workerAddr := <-registerChan

For a buffered channel:
To get this workerAddr:= <-registerChan to work: the channel registerChan must have a value; otherwise, the code will stop here waiting for the channel .

I managed to run your code this way (try this ):

package main

import (

func main() {
    registerChan := make(chan int, 1)
    for i := 1; i <= 10; i++ {
        go fn(i, registerChan)
    registerChan <- 0 // seed

func fn(taskArgs int, registerChan chan int) {
    workerAddr := <-registerChan
    workerAddr += taskArgs
    registerChan <- workerAddr

var wg sync.WaitGroup



This code adds 1 to 10 using a channel and 10 goroutines plus one main goroutine.

I hope this helps.

When you run this statement registerChan <- workerAddr , if the channel capacity is full you cannot add in it and it will block. If you have a pool of, say 10, workerAddr, you could add all of them in a buffered channel of capacity 10 before calling schedule . Do not add after the call, to guarantee that if you take a value from the channel, there is space to add it again after. Using defer at the beginning of your goroutine is good.

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