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expo-image-picker upload multiple images

Hello everyone i am learning expo-image-picker in react-native and everything is fine when i am uploading one image, But i want to upload multiple images. but its not working if any one know how to do it please help.

this is the code which i tried check it once..

_pickImage = async () => {
    let result = await ImagePicker.launchImageLibraryAsync({
      mediaTypes: ImagePicker.MediaTypeOptions.All,
      allowsEditing: true,
      aspect: [9, 16],
      quality: 1.0,
      allowsMultipleSelection: true,
    if (!result.cancelled) {
      this.setState({ image: result.uri });

  getPermissionAsync = async () => {
    if (Constants.platform.android) {
      const { status } = await Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.CAMERA_ROLL);
      status = await Permissions.getAsync(Permissions.CAMERA);
      if (status !== 'granted') {
        alert('Sorry, we need camera roll permissions to make this work!');

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
  Image, Platform, StyleSheet, Text, View, TextInput, Button, TouchableHighlight, Alert,
  TouchableOpacity, ScrollView, ColorPropType, FlatList, SectionList, Dimensions, AsyncStorage,
  Keyboard, Modal, NativeModules, SafeAreaView, StatusBar,
} from 'react-native';

import PropTypes from 'prop-types'

// import { Video } from 'expo-av';

import { Camera } from 'expo-camera';
import * as ImagePicker from 'expo-image-picker';
import Constants from 'expo-constants';
import * as Permissions from 'expo-permissions';

export default class AddPostScreen extends React.Component {  
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      loading: true,
      image: null,
      images: [],


  async componentDidMount() {


  _pickCamera = async () => {
    let result = await await ImagePicker.launchCameraAsync({
      mediaTypes: ImagePicker.MediaTypeOptions.All,
      allowsEditing: false,
      aspect: [4, 3],
      quality: 1.0,
     allowsMultipleSelection: true,
    if (!result.cancelled) {
      this.setState({ image: result.uri });

  get_PermissionAsync = async () => {
    if (Constants.platform.android) {
      const { status } = await Permissions.getAsync(Permissions.CAMERA);
      if (status !== 'granted') {
        alert('Sorry, we need camera roll permissions to make this work!');

 _pickImage = async () => {
    let result = await ImagePicker.launchImageLibraryAsync({
      mediaTypes: ImagePicker.MediaTypeOptions.All,
      allowsEditing: true,
      aspect: [9, 16],
      quality: 1.0,
      allowsMultipleSelection: true,
    if (!result.cancelled) {
      this.setState({ image: result.uri });

  getPermissionAsync = async () => {
    if (Constants.platform.android) {
      const { status } = await Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.CAMERA_ROLL);
      status = await Permissions.getAsync(Permissions.CAMERA);
      if (status !== 'granted') {
        alert('Sorry, we need camera roll permissions to make this work!');

  render() {

    const { image, images } = this.state;

      return (

         <View style={styles.container}>
          <View style={styles.ifContainer}>

              <Image style={styles.imageView} source={{ uri: this.state.image }} />
              <View style={styles.row}>
                <Button style={styles.button} onPress={this._pickImage} title="Open Gallery" />
                <Button style={styles.button} onPress={this._pickCamera} title="Open Camera" />

        </View >


  }// render ends

} // class Ends

permissions in app.json

"android": {
      "package": "com.srastr.howtags",
      "versionCode": 6,
      "googleServicesFile": "./google-services.json",
      "permissions": [

If anyone know the solution to upload the multiple files using expo-imagepicker please tell me..

Expo-image-picker does not support multiple selections.

However, after SDK24, you can build your own multi-image-picker with EXPO.

Refer to this link for more info link

use Expo-image-picker-multiple



Maybe this is a little bit too late but I just did an implementation with multiple selection with expo-image-picker.

You can declare an state variable like this

const [pickedImages, setPickedImages] = useState({
    images: [''],

And right at this moment setPickedImages by adding the selection to the images array

 _pickImage = async () => {
    let result = await ImagePicker.launchImageLibraryAsync({
      mediaTypes: ImagePicker.MediaTypeOptions.All,
      allowsEditing: true,
      aspect: [9, 16],
      quality: 1.0,
      allowsMultipleSelection: true,
    if (!result.cancelled) {
      this.setPickedImages(prevState => ({
            images: [...prevState.images, result.uri],

This part:

this.setPickedImages(prevState => ({
                images: [...prevState.images, result.uri],

will make sure that multiple images are added into the array and you can display with a map function like for example:

  {pickedImages.length > 0 &&
        pickedImages.map((value, index) => {
          return (
            <View key={index}>

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