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Function passed as parameter not being called

I have a button that when clicked receives a function passed as an argument and the passed function is also an argument to another function created using JavaScript. The challenge I have is that the passed function is not being invoked.

 function alerts(x) { document.getElementById('dialogfoot').innerHTML = '<button onclick="submit(\'' + x + '\')">Yes</button>'; } function submit(x) { x(); } function callthis() { alert('welcome call me'); }
 <button onclick="alerts(callthis)">submit</button> <div id="dialogfoot" style=""></div>

You are passing the string 'callthis' in submit1 rather than the function callthis .

 function alerts(x){ document.getElementById('dialogfoot').innerHTML='<button onclick="submit1('+x+')">Yes</button>'; } function submit1(x){ x(); } function callthis(){ alert('welcome call me'); }
 <button onclick="alerts(callthis)" id='btn'>submit</button> <div id="dialogfoot" style=""></div>

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