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How to pass paramters in dynamically created functions in Javascript?

I have created one form and form after submitting the value I want to show them in a table. In table I have one section where I want to delete or edit a particular user on a button. But when I am passing the id to that function I am getting error saying that refernece error occurred!

function getEmployeeDetails() {
 for (var i = 0; i < userArray.length; i++) {
    var tr = "<tr>";

    tr +=
      "<td class='table-data'/td>" +
      userArray[i].id +
      "</td>" +
      "<td class='table-data'/td>" +
      userArray[i].name +
      "</td>" +
      "<td class='table-data'/td>" +
      userArray[i].email +
      "</td>" +
      "<td class='table-data'/td>" +
      userArray[i].gender +
      "</td>" +
      "<td class='table-data'/td>" +
      userArray[i].role +
      "</td>" +
      "<td class='table-data'/td>" +
      userArray[i].english +
      "</td>" +
      "<td class='table-data'/td>" +
      userArray[i].hindi +
      "</td>" +
      "<td class='table-data'/td>" +
      userArray[i].othersLang +
      "</td>" +
      "<td class='table-data'/td>" +
      userArray[i].description +
      "</td>" +
      "<td class='table-data'/td>" +
      "<button onclick='deleteUser( userArray[i].id )'>Delete</button> || <button onclick='editUser( userArray[i].id )'>Edit</button>" +
      "</td>" +

    tbody.innerHTML += tr;

function deleteUser(id) {
  console.log("delteuser", typeof id, id);
function editUser(id) {
  console.log("edit", id);

Where I have made the mistakes?


  <button onclick='deleteUser( userArray[i].id )'>

To something like

 <button onclick='deleteUser('+userArray[i].id+')'>

In your current attempt you are not inserting the value of userArray[i].id but the variable userArray[i].id which is kind of nonsense.

Same story with the editUser function

The problem is in the string concatenation you are using in the onClick event.

You can use a backtick character instead. Copy-paste and check the below code.

    <table id="table"></table>
      function getEmployeeDetails() {
        let userArray = [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }];
        var tr = "";
        for (var i = 0; i < userArray.length; i++) {
          tr +=
            `<td class="table-data">
              <button onclick="deleteUser(` +
                      userArray[i].id +
                      `)">Delete</button> || <button onclick="editUser( ` +
                      userArray[i].id +
        document.getElementById("table").innerHTML = tr;
      function deleteUser(id) {
        console.log("delteuser", typeof id, id);
      function editUser(id) {
        console.log("edit", id);

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