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How to run Linux containers on Windows - Error while running .\docker.exe pull ubuntu

I was stuck on step 6 following this official Ubuntu tutorial on how to run Linux containers on Windows. I was unable to pull the Ubuntu image with

.\docker.exe pull ubuntu

I was getting error trying to run that command:

Docker: “no matching manifest for windows/amd64 in the manifest list entries”

If anyone is trying to follow this official Ubuntu tutorial on how to run Linux containers on Windows than in:

Step 6. you need to use full path where you stored your docker.exe and dockerd.exe files and also you need to use --experimental flag after you activate experimental in Docker Desktop for Windows.See this answer on how to do it.

D:\linuxDocker\ is place where I stored docker.exe and dockerd.exe

  1. D:\linuxDocker\dockerd.exe -D --experimental --data-root C:\lcow # Starting daemon (keep this window open, your docker daemon needs be in running state before you can proceed on step 2.) After that go and run:

  2. D:\linuxDocker\docker.exe pull ubuntu

You also have to keep your Docker Desktop running while performing that.

I also had problems with Docker being slow - resolved by starting Docker with admin privileges (right click "Run as administrator") and than under Advanced gave Docker more CPU, Memory, Swap and Disk.

Follow steps before as they are in tutorial.

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