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laravel how to paginate single category posts

How can I paginate posts in single category page?


public function show($slug) {
   $category = Category::where('slug', $slug)->where('online', true)->with(['posts' => function ($q) {
            $q->orderBy('id', 'desc');
            //I need this query be paginate

my blade loop


@foreach($category->posts as $post)
  //post data here

The relationship of categories and posts is n:n;

Because you just need one category, you just need to get posts by one category.

Try to use another method:

public function show($slug) {

   $cat = Category::where('slug', $slug)
                     ->where('online', true)

   $posts = Post::join('category_posts', 'category_posts.post_id', '=', 'posts.id')
                ->where('category_posts.category_id', $cat->id)

And in your blade loop:


@foreach($posts as $post)
  //post data here

here is the exact example which I always use in my several project.


public function index(Request $request){
   $parts = BikeParts::paginate(5); //you can change how many you want

   return view('admin.bike_parts.index_excel', compact(['bike_parts']))->with('i', ($request->input('page', 1) - 1) * 5); // put exact number you are paginating , in here I used 5.


  <table class="table table-actions-bar m-b-0">
         <th>Part Name</th>
         <th>Retail Price</th>
 @foreach($bike_parts as $bike_part)
        <td><a href="#,{{$bike_part->id}}">{{$loop->index+1}}</a></td>
{!! $bike_parts->render() !!}

Instead of using first() , use paginate(count)

Here is an example according to your code,

public function show($slug) { 
    $category = Category::where('slug', $slug)
        ->where('online', true)
        ->with(['posts' => function ($q) { 
            $q->orderBy('id', 'desc');  

$posts = Post::where('category_id', $categoryId)->paginate(10);

Heres a way that may be used to achieve paginated posts in multiple category

However, I suspect that this will make a N+1 query. Might need eager loading implemented with this. Can someone confirm this?

// Category.php (Model)
public function posts()
    return $this->hasMany('App\posts', 'post_id', 'id');

In the blade file

@foreach($categories as $category)

    @foreach($category->posts()->paginate() as $post)
        //post data here

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