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Batch script for move files from one directory to another from list of text files (windows)

I have two folder 1 and 2 . i save file list name in text C:\a\filelist.txt . file list contains files are available in folder 1

which i want to move files from folder 1 to 2 using the file list from the text.

@echo off
move C:\a\1\"new.txt" C:\a\2

Here's a option, which uses the built-in executable to check against the files listed in the text file:

@For /F "EOL=| Delims=" %%# In (
    'Dir /B /A:-D "C:\a\1" ^| "%__AppDir__%findStr.exe" /E /L /I /G:"C:\a\filelist.txt"'
) Do @Move /Y "C:\a\1\%%#" "C:\a\2"

Here's a shortened, single line Command Prompt, ( ) , version:

For /F "EOL=|Delims=" %# In ('Dir /B/A-D "C:\a\1"^|FindStr /ELIG:"C:\a\filelist.txt"')Do @Move /Y "C:\a\1\%#" "C:\a\2"

This assumes that both your %PATH% and %PATHEXT% variables still hold their appropriate default values, or findstr.exe is located in the current directory.

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